Stakes are high and competition is fierce. Remarkable careers don't happen by accident. To succeed, accomplished executives and professionals must embrace change, understand their value, and successfully promote and negotiate their competitive advantage – whether employed or in transition.
As a recognized executive career strategist and coach, Kathleen Pringle is one of Western New York's premier resources for executives, professionals, businesses and entrepreneurs who are committed to excellence and success and meeting the challenges of an increasing confusing market. Kathleen provides the tools, knowledge, expertise and strategy to help you develop a proactive and forward-focused approach to accelerating and managing your career.
Learn how to set yourself apart and develop a platform to help land your next career-enhancing opportunity. Working with Kathleen, you will earn the competitive advantage you need to keep your current career in an upward trajectory or secure a new opportunity that delivers on professional success, personal fulfillment and passion.
"...Many people will offer these services but none will bring the perspective that makes Kathleen's approach unique and valuable."
— Mike Cook, Author, THRIVE: Standing On Your Own Two Feet In A Borderless World